Blocking and Unblocking someone in Gmail

Gmail is one the most popular email platforms worldwide. It offers many features that can help users manage their inboxes. You can block certain senders from receiving unwanted emails. This article will show you how to unblock and block someone in Gmail.
Gmail Blocks Senders
A well-known website for computer repairs has this to say. To block a sender from Gmail, first open the email message sent by the sender to be blocked. Click on the three vertical dots at the top-right of the message to open it. You’ll see a drop-down menu. Select “Block [sender’s name]”.
You can also block senders by going to an email in your inbox and right-clicking the sender’s address. You’ll see a drop-down menu and need to choose “Block [sender’s name]”.
Any future messages sent by a blocked sender will be automatically sent to your spam mailbox. You will not receive any messages from blocked senders, so it is possible to avoid receiving unwanted messages.
Gmail Unblocking a Sender
These steps can be used if you decide to change your mind about unblocking a sender.
Navigate to the top right corner of your Gmail Inbox and click the gear icon.
Choose “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
Find the sender that you want to unblock in the “Filters & Blocked Addresses” section and click the “Unblock” button next to it.
At the bottom of this page, click on “Save Changes”.
You can also unblock a sender using the alternative of opening a message from blocked sender and clicking the three vertical dots at the top-right corner. You’ll see a drop-down menu and need to choose “Unblock [sender name]”.
Any future messages sent by that sender after you have unblocked them will be delivered to you as normal. You will also be notified about any new messages from unblocked senders, so that you are always on the lookout for important emails.
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Gmail Blocking Senders
Gmail allows you up to 500 email addresses to be blocked at once. These steps will help you manage your blocked senders list.
Navigate to the top right corner of your Gmail Inbox and click the gear icon.
Choose “Settings” in the drop-down menu.
You can access your blocked sender list, modify existing blocks and unblock senders in the “Filters & Blocked Addresses” section.
It is quick and easy to block a sender in Gmail. Follow the steps in this article to block and unblock Gmail senders. You can also manage your blocked senders list as needed. You can also get assistance from an online computer support provider. You can block and unblock email senders using Gmail. This allows you to take control of your inbox so you can focus on the important emails.